Sometimes crisis, major life transitions, or an ongoing situation might makes life difficult. The good news is that no matter what we are going through, God’s love never fails, and He has called us as a community of to care for each other!
Our staff is available to provide spiritual support and encouragement during times of crisis or transition. You don’t need to deal with serious illness or injury, death of a family member or family crisis alone. One of our pastors can speak with you and get you the care you need. In addition, there are many people of prayer at Grace. By sending in a “prayer request” (see button below) you are inviting them to pray for you. If however you prefer that your prayer request remain confidential we are very glad to honor your wishes and only the ministry staff will see your request.
We are dedicated to a ministry of prayer. Through a relationship with Jesus Christ we can come before our God and share all our needs with Him. He hears us not because of our worthiness or merit, but simply because He is full of grace and mercy. He is not impressed with our techniques or postures of prayer, but loves to answer those who cry out to Him with simple childlike faith. If you are in need of prayer, please share your needs with us in person or by email. All prayer requests are prayed for by our staff each week.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Phil. 4:6