Worship Service: 9:30am
Sunday Bible Classes: 10:45am
Watch the Live-Streamed Service below:
New Series: The TEN(der) Commandments
Martin Luther’s Small Catechism was written for the head of the household to teach his family. The Large Catechism was his effort to give Pastors a tool to train their congregations in Godly living. Beginning in January we will be leaning into God’s word and the Large Catechism to make our hearts tender towards the things which he built into the design of creation. The following quote explains it well:
“The commandments are the most complete summary of creational design for human life.” Professor Charles Arand, pg. 72. Luther’s Large Catechism, CPH 2022.
Come and rediscover joyful living as we come to understand anew how life was designed to work. We will center our worship around these themes and then move to the gym for “Table Talk” discussions. Please plan to be a part of this exciting journey.
January 12th – 1st Commandment – Tender to the Creator
January 19th – 2nd Commandment – Tender to His Name
January 26th – 3rd Commandment – Tender Rest
February 2nd – 4th Commandment – Tender to Authority
February 9th – 5th Commandment – Tender to Life
February 16th – 6th Commandment – Tender to Purity
February 23rd – 7th/8th Commandment – Tender to Truth
March 2nd – 9th and 10th Commandments – Tender Contentment
ESL Classes Are Available NOW!
Our ESL ministry has created the opportunity to do mission in our own church building, and we are thankful for all of our volunteers and teacher’s support during the year.
For more information, or to become a volunteer, please contact our MAIN OFFICE ( or
Volunteer Opportunity
We need at least one volunteer for Tuesday night open gym basketball. The time is from 7:15 to 9:15 every Tuesday night. The primary task is to operate the electronic scoring device and scoreboard. Please call Jim Runzheimer at 817-795-2020 (office) or 817-917-2208 (cell) for more information.