God has richly blessed Grace through YOU! Thank you for your continued giving and support. Scroll through this page or use these links to navigate how you can give to our mission: to develop passionate Christ followers who bring His life-changing love to our community.
Online Giving
Giving by Text
Text GRACELC to (833) 630-9900
When you do this, you will receive an immediate ‘link’ from PushPay. Just click on the link and you will be able to make a donation within 30 seconds.
PushPay (our platform provider) accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express, as well as ACH (bank account) gifts! Giving to Grace using this method is entirely secure!
The first time you make a donation, you will have a few choices to make for the options of “when or how often you want to make a gift”, “choice of what FUND you’d like your gift applied to” and also choosing the “amount of your gift”. Each time you use this method, you will be able to create a gift in any amount between $1.00 and $5,000!

Automatic Bank Withdrawal
Grace uses VANCO to process automatic withdrawal of gifts from your bank account directly into Grace’s bank account. Gifts are generally set up on a regular basis. To sign up to have this done, click here to enroll.

Offering Envelopes
Grace has available donation envelopes so that you may be able to utilize this method to bring your offering before the Lord. There are several methods you may utilize using the offering envelopes. If you would like to request that Grace mail you envelopes so that you may prepare them and return them at your convenience, please click here. We will be happy to mail a supply to you. Gifts may be in the form of cash, check, or credit card.
Grace Lutheran Church discourages the irresponsible use of credit cards. We offer the opportunity to donate by credit card as a convenience to those who manage their finances in a God-honoring way. For your donation convenience an offering basket is also available at Grace during and after the worship service.
All offerings are tax deductible, however, in accordance with IRS regulations, designated offerings may be put to an alternate use. Thank you for your faithfulness.