Embrace Grace
Embrace Grace helps women experiencing unplanned pregnancies find a place of belonging and community through judgement free support in churches across the world. This program validates the women’s value in a pro-love atmosphere during their journey to motherhood. We celebrate their journey with a baby shower at completion of the twelve-week semester. To join our support team or for more information about attending Embrace Grace, contact Serena Pace (817-274-1626) or Nancy Grieser (817-467-7212). You can also read more on their website at embracegrace.com.

ESL Classes
We hold free intermediate and advanced ESL for our community. Classes meet seasonally every Wednesday at 6:30 pm. You can help this group with snacks, meals, conversation, or teaching! Learn more by contacting us at churchoffice@grace.lc.
GLEE Supporters
Our Preschool families are a blessing to Grace. Join the adventure of building community by providing spiritual care and fellowship opportunities to our amazing families! You can learn more by contacting Vicki Rosentreter at churchoffice@grace.lc. Click here to visit the GLEE website.

Arlington Life Shelter
This ministry led by Red and Susan Hoar has served on the 4th Saturday of each month for over 20 years, preparing monthly meals for the ~100 residents of Arlington Life Shelter. What wonderful dedication to an important cause! If you are interested in carrying on this ministry, please Contact the Church Office at 817-274-1626 or churchoffice@grace.lc. Click here to visit the Arlington Life Shelter website.
Arlington Charities
Arlington Charities is a ministry that started with the help of Rev. Dr. David Joeckel. We serve through food donations which are collected weekly. You can participate by bringing just one item each Sunday, or even by holding a spot on their board. Imagine the impact we will have if each person brings at least one can of food each Sunday! Ongoing needed items include peanut butter, canned protein (chicken, chili, tuna), boxed macaroni & cheese, sanitary napkins, diapers (sizes 2-6) and pull-ups, and mens & womens underwear (S, M, L) in dark colors. Contact the Church Office at 817-274-1626 or churchoffice@grace.lc or visit their website at arlingtoncharities.org to learn more.