Sunday Bible Classes meet every week from 10:45 – 11:45 am, after our Worship Service. There are different Bible Classes for all age groups: Adults, Youth, and Children.
Click below for a map of our campus so that you know where to go for each class!

Pastor Widger’s Bible Class
Malachi is the last prophet of the Old Testament, and he brings a word of both God’s justice and his hope. Come and learn from Malachi how repentance brings restoration and how God wants to revitalize his church again today! We meet in MR 2 @ 10:45 AM.
Biblical Parenting Sunday School
This class meets in-person in the Library, found in the Southwest corner of the Narthex. Geared towards parents/grandparents of little ones through teens, it’s a great place to gain support, tools and Bible knowledge!
Jim Runzheimer’s Class
This class meets in the Fireside Room in the Family Life Center. They are studying “Lutheran Doctrine and Practice Today”, covering the Preface, Conclusion, and All Articles of Augsburg Confession. This is a CPH publication authored by James Baneck, former president of the North Dakota District. The study is downloadable, and Jim provides copies to all attendees. The course book is Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions, second edition, Paul T. McCain, CPH, 2006. Other versions of the Augsburg Confession are also acceptable.

High School (Grades 9-12)
What questions do you have? What does the Bible tell us? How do we live it out? How do we share it? We meet for a time of digging into God’s Word, and for authentic discussion every week in the Youth Shed (building with the blue door) by the Playground.
Junior High (Grades 7-8)
Middle Schoolers meet for DEEP END Confirmation during the school year, where we teach students to go deep and stand firm in their knowledge of who Jesus is in order to create a lifelong faith. Throughout the school year, these young teens meet in Room 4 of the Meeting Room Building (MR4), across the parking lot from the Gym. In the summer, they join the High Schoolers in the Youth Shed!

Grace Kids Bible Study (Preschool – Grade 6)
Experience the love of Jesus through high-impact discipleship. We want kids to know and love God with their whole person (heart, soul, mind and strength), and want them to be excited about sharing the light of Jesus with others! Grace Kids partners with parents to provide faith tools parents can use all week long, so children can live out what is taught in Bible study. Children check in at the ‘Check-In’ station before going to class in the GLEE (Grace Lutheran Early Education) hallway.
Cradle Roll & Nursery (3 years old + younger)
Our Nursery, connected to the Narthex at the top of the stairs, is staffed during both worship services and the Bible study hour with caring workers who are background checked and safety, CPR and First-Aid trained (safety is our top priority for your children!). We believe it is important to focus on the faith of our young children, so Nursery workers use age-appropriate curriculum to begin teaching babies and toddlers about the love of Jesus.
Feel free to rock your little one during worship in the Nursery or in the private nursing room, located in the Grace Lutheran Early Education (GLEE) wing, Room E-4. You may use the changing table in the women’s restroom in the gathering area or in the nursery. There is a TV in the nursery where you can watch the service live while caring for your little ones. Diapers are not changed by our nursery staff. Parents will be notified through text if they are needed, and will need to check their children in and out.
We want to encourage our families with children under three-years old to also begin sharing Jesus at home. We send out milestone mailings to families on a regular basis with age-appropriate information. Please let us know if you are interested in these mailings.