The death of a loved one can be painful and difficult. There are many questions, as well as many details to arrange for their funeral. At Grace, there are two things we believe are important during times of grief. First, a community provides support, love, and encouragement to each other and especially to the immediate family of the one who has died. Second, God’s Word offers peace to those who are grieving, and assurance in the free gift of eternal life that is promised to all who believe in Jesus.
Our care for the journey of grief includes support from our pastors, staff, and lay leaders before, during, and after your loved one’s funeral/memorial/graveside service. You may scroll below to view answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding this care.
Funerals and Memorials
The first step in receiving this care is to make a phone call to Cynthia Jackson at 817-274-1626. May the Peace of God which transcends all understanding be with you and your family during this difficult time.

Frequently Asked Questions
Will family or friends be permitted to speak at the funeral service?
Public speaking is a challenging task in normal situations. Speaking at a funeral is even more challenging. The emotions of the day will feel more powerful as you draw closer to the service. For this reason, we discourage eulogies during the funeral service, and instead suggest sharing these at the reception. It is a more appropriate time and setting for the free sharing of memories. As an option, reading scripture during the service is a meaningful way for family or friends to participate in the service.
Can we include our loved one’s favorite songs?
In keeping with the list above, the function of the songs selected are to remind us of biblical truths. Songs that do not meet this standard, and yet are important to the family for sentimental reasons, are encouraged to be used at the reception or during a memorial video to be played during the reception.
If there are hymns or praise songs that were particularly meaningful to your loved one or to your family, share these during your pastoral appointment. The Pastor can help to guide you with the selection, use, and placement of these songs.
What is the difference between a funeral service and a memorial service?
A funeral service always includes the presence of the deceased’s body. A graveside committal service typically follows for the burial. A memorial service remembers a life, while not having the body of the deceased present. Memorial services typically follow a graveside committal service or private family burial.
Can we place a picture of our loved one up front and/or near the entrance during the funeral/memorial?
Yes. Grace will provide an easel(s) or tabletop when you indicate that you will be using a picture(s) in the service. In selecting your picture, please remember the points listed above.
Can we show a memorial video in the funeral/memorial service?
Memorial videos can be very special to the family. Many memorial videos do not meet the standards deemed appropriate in a public worship setting. We encourage memorial videos at the reception. The pastor must grant special permission for any memorial video shown in the public funeral/memorial service.
What other things should we consider or plan for?
Memorials – If you would like to have attendees give financial gifts to a charity or other organization in the name of your loved one, please indicate that information on the Funeral Planner Page. We will include your memorial preference in the bulletin.
Flowers – We will set all flowers delivered to the church in appropriate places for the funeral/memorial service. If there is a graveside gathering to follow the service, the funeral home may assist in transporting flowers for the family. Other times, the family is asked to transport the flowers of their choosing. Your funeral home/mortuary can advise you about this detail. All flowers not claimed by the family following the funeral will not be kept or saved.
Guest Book – Families may purchase a guestbook, which those attending the funeral may sign, indicating their presence. This book can be placed at the entrance to the sanctuary/auditorium and picked up by the family before the graveside. In some cases, when the signing of the guestbook is delaying the start of the service the greeters and/or funeral directors may close the book in order to seat everyone more quickly. When this occurs, the family can reopen the guestbook at the reception or as people leave the service.
Remembrance Page/Insert – On occasion, families would like to include a picture of their loved one with a brief obituary write up. Families may create this on their own or through the funeral home. Keep in mind the points listed above, showing honor to the sacred aspect of this service.
Receptions – Receptions are a wonderful part of the funeral/memorial day. It provides an opportunity for friends and family members to gather and share special memories of their loved one. It also allows for a strong communication of support for those in grief. The reception often happens in the home of a family member, following the service and/or graveside. Other times, it may be held at a nearby restaurant. Sometimes Grace hosts the reception. If this is of interest to you, please discuss this with your funeral coordinator. There are many options including a list of recommended caterers you can employ for the reception at Grace.
Thank-You Notes – All gifts of memorials, flowers, and food should be acknowledged with a written thank you. Most families have someone willing to help with recording these throughout the funeral service day, in order that thank you cards might be sent later.
How do we handle Honorariums? – In some cases, the funeral home/mortuary will collect the honorarium fees from you and then distribute them for you at the funeral/memorial/graveside. Other times, these honorariums are paid directly by the family. Please check with your funeral director as to how this will be handled.