Perry Smith Lutheran School – Loving Liberia
Loving Liberia was founded to help impoverished children in Liberia get an excellent education and receive the Gospel message.
You can help by sponsoring a child or donating funds to serve these precious needy children, enabling them to learn today to build a better tomorrow for themselves. We are also looking for people who would like to be on our board with a financial background.
You may make a donation through Grace Lutheran Church marked “For Loving Liberia” or at our website LOVINGLIBERIA.COM. Visit our website or contact Rev. Russell Hildebrand at pastorrch@gmail.com to learn more.
Braille Bibles
We are an amazing group of volunteers here at Grace who don’t even take off for the summer. In the approximately 200 Braille Centers across the US, there are 5,000 volunteers. If each one made a minimum wage LBW would be paying out $8.5 million a year. Volunteers are such a treasure.
Many people do not realize that a Braille Bible, sold at retail, would cost the recipient between $1200–$1400. Because of volunteer workers, it costs $270 per Bible. Of course, LBW provides these books free of charge to any who wants them, whether Braille or large print. The money spent to print the books must be offset by donations from individuals, groups, churches, etc. There is an envelope among your church envelopes that is for Braille. Use it any time.
Watch this video introduction to our Braille Ministry, or contact Uvonne Duppstadt for more information at udupp@sbcglobal.net. You can also visit the Lutheran Braille Workers website by clicking here.

Quilts for Lutheran World Relief
Often, when natural disasters strike or war drives families from their homes, our hearts ache with compassion but we don’t know how to help. If you’ve wondered how to volunteer to quilt for charity, look no further. Making Lutheran World Relief Mission Quilts is a tangible way to express love to our neighbors in need. Quilts can be used as warm bedding, simple tents or floor coverings. Each one reflects God’s loving presence in a world rife with suffering.
Our Piecemakers assemble quilts, dress kits, and health kits to be distributed around the world every 1st and 3rd Saturday at 9 am in the Church Downstairs Workroom. Any donations of material, blankets, and towels are welcome. You can contact Donita Spawr at 817-243-5716 or visit the Lutheran World Relief website for more information.