The music and worship arts ministry at Grace Lutheran Church welcomes you to a place where you can discover a partnership and stronghold in Christ. We strive to provide an opportunity for you to offer your time and talent to serve the Lord. From ringing bells, to lifting your voice in praise, by playing an instrument, through dance and art, or even just from a simple hum or tapping of your foot, Grace Lutheran Church welcomes any and all in participation of our worship services.
If you want to learn and grow as a part of this ministry, we have a place for you. If you feel that you utterly lack musical aptitude, we treasure gifts of time and non-musical talent. We open our doors to all who wish to be in fellowship with us: musically or otherwise.
Email if you have any questions or would like to participate as a musician in our services. If you have any other music related talents that aren’t seen below, then feel free to email as well.
Sanctuary Choir
Rehearsals on Wednsdays at 7:30 pm.

Our adult choir assists in worship most Sundays and on special seasonal and holiday worship services from September through May. Worship in the choir consists of a wide repertoire of sacred music including modern and historical hymns of the faith and selected choral anthems. Anyone who enjoys worship through singing is welcome.
Rehearsals on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.

The adult hand bell choir meets during the week to make a joyful noise and enjoy each other’s fellowship. They perform music at various levels of difficulty and style in numerous worship services throughout the year. We have plenty of bells to share. We encourage all to join, even if you have never played before!
Praise Team
Our praise team assists in worship all year round. This dynamic band leads with drums, keyboard, guitars, and vocalists in a relaxed and modern atmosphere of worship.