The wedding ceremony is meant to be a solemn, joyful and meaningful worship service centered on Christ. The use of the church for weddings is a privilege afforded to those who earnestly desire a Christian wedding and an ongoing Christ-centered marriage. The Pastors, while having the authority to perform a marriage, are not obligated to do so, and are free to use their discretion.
Who may have a wedding at Grace Lutheran Church?
Members of Grace Lutheran Church are given priority for the privilege of having their wedding at Grace, but non-member Christians pursuing a Christ-centered marriage will also be considered.
When is Grace Lutheran Church and its Pastors available for weddings?
Our Pastors are available, with sufficient notice and at their discretion, to officiate at weddings. Speak with the Officiating Pastor and the Church Office before you set the date and time of your wedding ceremony, the rehearsal and reception. The church and Pastors are unavailable for weddings the 10 days leading up to Easter, and also unavailable from December 15 – January 1. There may be other times that the sanctuary, etc., is reserved and/or decorated for other events and will not be available.
Other Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Pastors may participate in wedding services conducted at Grace Lutheran Church. If the couple desires the involvement of another Christian Pastor, they should discuss this with the Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church to determine the means of involvement which will not compromise Lutheran doctrine and practice.
What does a wedding cost at Grace Lutheran Church?
A comprehensive Wedding Manual is available upon request that will include a current schedule of fees including Honorariums, Facilities Usage Fees, Custodial Fees, Musician and Audio-Visual Personnel fees. Every wedding is unique, and a fee schedule can be individually customized with careful planning.
What is the seating capacity?
The Church Sanctuary: Seats 400. There are 26 pews (13 on each side) with a Redman Organ, a Wurlitzer Grand Piano and a public address system.
The Fireside Room: Accommodates 65 people and is available for receptions. There is a kitchen adjoining with facilities for convenient serving.
The Gymnasium/Auditorium: Accommodates up to 275. The kitchen adjoins this also.
What steps should be taken next?
- Contact the church office to check church building availability and to provide contact information ( or 817-274-1626)
- Speak with the Pastor regarding his availability to perform the ceremony, and to set up required pre-marital counseling