Youth Pickleball!
Grades 7-12, Feb 18, 4 pm
With St. John’s Lutheran Church, Mansfield
Join Youth from St. John for this fun event! Let Serena, Gracie, or Hayden know if you plan to attend.
Summer Youth Mission & Camp
June 16-21 • $300 • Grades 6-12 • Austin, TX
Our goal is to meet the tangible needs in each community. Projects may include:
- Assisting in a local food kitchen
- Helping residents in assisted living
- General yard work and light home repairs
- Volunteering with local non-profits and community centers
- Tutoring children in after-school programs
Payment Schedule
January 15 – $100
February 15 – $50
March 15 – $50
April 15 – $50
May 15 – $50
Adult Prayer Partners WANTED!

Developing young leaders, who love Jesus and seek to serve others is of great importance. Grace Youth offers fellowship and service events that allow youth in Grades 7-12 to grow in faith, closer to each other and in leadership. These events are meant to develop hearts for service to others.
We always encourage Youth to bring their friends!

Contact Serena Pace for more information at space@grace.lc

Would you like to learn how you can be involved in Youth Ministry and Events? Join in the prayer to raise strong families in the faith at Grace and in our community! We are a zero-tolerance ministry and believe it is important to provide a safe setting for young people to explore their faith. Therefore, all volunteers and paid staff receive safety training and background checks yearly.
Serena Pace, Director of Ministries
space@grace.lc; 817-274-1626, x102