Connect with the body by signing-up for one of our Life Groups or coming to an Ongoing Group! Some groups are being held online via Zoom (click here to learn how to use it).

In our seasonal Life Groups, 5-15 people meet weekly to pray, connect, and discuss Jesus-centered study material together. We just finished up going through a 7-week series on being ‘Gifted,’ and are looking forward to our next season starting up early next year!

Ongoing groups are open to everyone and offer opportunity to connect, socialize, and serve with the body.
Grace Seniors – Come break bread with other seniors in a monthly fellowship potluck!
- Once a month, 2nd Thursday at noon except for Summer months
- Contact Serena with questions at 817-274-1626
ESL Classes – Let us know if you know someone who wants to learn English, or if you’d be interested in helping this group with snacks, meals, conversation, or teaching!
- Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm
- Contact the church office for more information
Braille – We have many teams that meet monthly to make Braille Bibles for the visually impaired.
- Contact Uvonne Duppstadt for more information at
Tuesday Night Basketball – Play a game and enjoy fellowship with family and friends!
- Held in-person at the Gym in the Family Life Center
- Tuesday nights at 7:30 pm
- Contact Jim Runzheimer for more information at
Altar Guild – This group of behind-the-scenes workers work at glorifying God by keeping the sanctuary and narthex clean, organized, and decorated for any given season.
- Saturdays at 9 am
- Coordinated by Susan White, contact at 972-979-2188
Piecemakers – We assemble quilts, dress kits, and health kits to be distributed around the world. Any donations of material, blankets, and towels are welcome.
- 1st Saturdays at 8:30 am
- Church Downstairs Workroom
- Coordinated by Donita Spawr, contact at 817-243-5716
Bible Journaling – Exercise your crafting skills by making a creative response to God’s Word using a variety of techniques. Through drawing, journaling, and art you can document your walk with God leaving a legacy of faith. We welcome any children 10+ accompanied by an adult to attend!
- 2nd Saturdays IN PERSON and on ZOOM at 10 am
- Coordinated by Alison Roth, Karen Widger, and Jessica Nieves
- Click here for a supply list
- Sign up to attend via Zoom here
Choir and Joybells – We worship and prepare for Sunday services every Wednesday evening, September through May. No prior experience is required.
- Joybells at 6:30 pm
- Choir at 7:30 pm
- Contact Will Land at or click here to learn more
Holy Smokers – Are you interested in grilling, smoking meat and sharing and learning techniques and ideas involving outdoor cooking? Then the Holy Smokers might be the perfect group for you.
We get together at least 3 times a year to provide hams for Easter, pork ribs for Father’s Day and turkeys for Thanksgiving, and usually 1 or 2 more get togethers. We also grill hotdogs and hamburgers for church activities.
Whether you’re a seasoned pitmaster or a beginner looking to learn, please join us.
- Contact Ernie Owens at 817-247-0747 OR Brian Rukavina at 817-229-9703
Email if you have any questions about these groups before signing up or attending!