The Engage Community Team thanks our congregation for the generous support they offered to this special ministry in 2021. The Team wanted to experiment with a monthly mission for one year to see how God would lead. Indeed He did! New partnerships were gained that seem right to focus on even more in 2022. The team will continue to evaluate the possibility of continuing with a Mission of the Month. We are most excited about pouring into GLEE, Embrace Grace, The Perry Geevon Smith Schools in Liberia and exploring further the possibility of engaging our community through Hispanic Ministry. We value the input and ideas of our congregation. Please do share your thoughts. We are seeing evidence of God at work in our church. For that, we give thanks!

The Souper Bowl of Caring empowers and unites communities to tackle hunger using the energy of the Big Super Bowl Football Game. Its vision is to transform the Big Game into a nationwide movement inspiring people to give locally and make a collective impact on hunger.
We donated a whopping 744 pounds of canned soup to Arlington Charities – Nice work, Church! And thank you for your generosity to all the missions we participated in over the last year.

Lutheran Braille Workers help people touch the promises of Jesus year-round, but in December we renewed our call for volunteers and donated to continue supporting this ministry. Thank you for your continued support, you can learn more about our ministry at grace here, or the larger organization here.

Dear Fellow Redeemed,
Thank you for your support of Perry Smith School’s in Liberia. We have a total of 39 students supported for the year. Wow! What a blessing you all are to changing the lives of children and their families as the children learn about Jesus and have a Christian education so they can have a better life.
Pastor Hildebrandt

We want to express our thanks to all the support from the church for the Embrace Grace baby shower. The love that was poured out on the girls left a big impact.
Praising God for Colin Toth for taking pictures and for Jessica Nieves and her team, Joanne Elmers, Vickie Rosentreter and Patty Smith, for providing the food and decorations.
God has big plans for these girls and it was a privilege and honor to be a part of it.

Visit Home | Embrace Grace to read more about this ministry!

For our September Mission of the Month, we took time to show the love of Jesus to our GLEE families starting a new school year. We had the opportunity to serve over 15 families with pizzas and welcome bags!
JULY 2021

In July we made practical and much needed donations to Arlington Life Shelter. They are committed to assisting individuals and families impacted by homelessness in North Texas create a path to self-sufficiency.
To learn more about how you can support and serve here, please visit https://arlingtonlifeshelter.org/
JUNE 2021

Grace’s Mission Project of the Month for June supported SafeHaven in Arlington, the largest and most comprehensive agency in Tarrant County providing services at no cost to domestic violence victims. Thank you for your generous support and visit safehaventc.org to see what else you can do!

MAY 2021
World Vision’s Global 6K for Water

Our goal of $2,000 was surpassed!
$3,370 was raised by the awesome people at Grace!!
APRIL 2021
Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital
Thank you for your support of the Mission of the Month for Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital. “AMH was very appreciative of these gift bags. They said this year has really taken its toll on many of the staff and gifts like this are very refreshing. These will be distributed across all vocations… from Surgeons to Cleaning staff.” – S. Woolston

MARCH 2021

Many volunteers came out to help with the festivities!


Want to know how else you can support the clinic? Volunteer at Arlington Resale or Arlington Resale Too (arlingtonresale.com). Proceeds from these stores goes directly to help fund the center operations.
Contact Sharon Ingram at:
info@arlingtonresale.com or 817-478-7253 to find out more about volunteering! Volunteer as a family, a couple, or on your own!